Development of Inclusive Boccia and New Age Kurling
Designed an inclusive competition for KS1 and KS2 that was aimed around the sports of New Age Kurling and Boccia. All activities designed to test different elements of the sports.
Our first Inclusive competition of the year with a huge 100 pupils from 6 schools coming to test their skills at Boccia and Kurling. The team work and the pure enjoyment from all taking part was a pleasure to see. The staff and pupils loved every minute with smiles all round.
Over 150 children managed to test their skills in an activity that they may never really get to be part of at school or have many opportunties to test out their skills. They had the chance to compete against other schools and develop key skills for life. All children and leaders received a badge and certificate for taking part in the afternoon. With 2 schools progressing to the school games finals at the EIS.
The competition was good because we were a small group so we had lots of turns at each station. The equipment was easy to use we had lots of fun. My favourite game was the one where we had to try and throw the Boccia balls to the window and miss all the cones. It was well organised and well run with clear instruction at each station. Thank you
Jack Flather – Shawlands Primary